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Microsoft Tech Days are here


Microsoft has announced about the Community Tech Days event an event been conducted by Developer Community / User Group in respective cities. This time we have community tech-days scheduled for almost all major cities in india.

You can see and register for Community Techdays in your city by following this link

Pune, Trivandrum, Kolkata, , Chennai, Delhi cities events are already been over. So if you are from any of these cities. Watch out for the recording of the same sessions online.

Banglore (Aug 7th,8th), Hyderabad (7th), Mumbai (24th, 31st), Ahmedabad(24th)  scheduled.

Either you can watch online or can have an in-person session, you will have to register first to ensure your seat for Community Techdays.

This is not a paid event. It’s FREE for any one who is wishing to have a blast in Technology Frontier, by meeting our Community Members in Cities and have some discussion on latest Trend in Microsoft Technologies.

In Hyderabad this event will be conducted by Official Microsoft User Group Hyderabad (MUGH) ( , be a fan of Mugh@Twitter Mugh@Facebook, join the Mugh Group @ MughGroup ).  It’s a nice place to hangout to share your ideas on Technology.

I have already registered for Hyderabad event. Will you also be?. I expecty you guyz there.

So come and join us and make our Community Grow and evolve.

Happy Coding Guyz!!!!!

Nithin Mohan TK

Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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