Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS)

Scaling Up Your Pods: How Horizontal Pod Autoscaling Wins

In the dynamic world of containerized applications, ensuring your deployments can handle fluctuating workloads is crucial. Kubernetes offers built-in mechanisms for scaling, and while replica sets are a foundational tool, horizontal pod autoscaling (HPA) takes it a step further. This…
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What is Landing Zone in Azure? How to implement it via Terraform

In Azure, a landing zone is a pre-configured environment that provides a baseline for hosting workloads. It helps organizations establish a secure, scalable, and well-managed environment for their applications and services. A landing zone typically includes a set of Azure…
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GitOps with a comparison between Flux and ArgoCD and which one is better for use in Azure AKS

GitOps has emerged as a powerful paradigm for managing Kubernetes clusters and deploying applications. Two popular tools for implementing GitOps in Kubernetes are Flux and ArgoCD. Both tools have similar functionalities, but they differ in terms of their architecture, ease…
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Difference between workload managed identity, Pod Managed Identity and AKS Managed Identity

Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) offers several options for managing identities within Kubernetes clusters, including AKS Managed Identity, Pod Managed Identity, and Workload Managed Identity. Here’s a comparison of these three options: Key Features AKS Managed Identity Pod Managed Identity Workload Managed…
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How is AKS workload identity different from AKS pod managed identity?

AKS workload identity and AKS pod managed identity both provide a way to manage access to Azure resources from within a Kubernetes cluster. However, there are some key differences between the two features. Scope AKS pod managed identity provides a…
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