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I resigned from my Job with Tecra Systems.

I resigned from my job  with Tecra Systems.  It was a hardest decision on which I have resigned, even though there was  30-days notice period I proposed to serve,  my boss was not happy to accept it.  So I did voluntarily come out of the company.

It was really a nice time I had with Tecra Systems. Nice friends I met, we make fun in cafeteria, our internal chatting system. Our gang of friends callled “BadBoyz”,  it’s not that we are bad or do always naughty. We call ourselves “BadBoyz”.

I never experienced this kind of friendships between team members or collegues. We were great in ourselves. We go for movies, ha ha, we do not skip any latest movies actually.

When any need or help every body will be there to help. We celebrate each others birthdays and special occassions.

I always given chance to work innovatively, new technologies. Always given opportunities to excel.

At last  I do not wish to leave unnoticed.  But it was happened,  may be I took wrong decision. But I follow my instinct. I did what I feel right.

All I know is that. I served Tecra Systems sincerely and efficiently. I always provided them the best in me, it was not junt a kind of  “ur getting paid” work for me. I make sure “all is well” :-).

But some times we have to take hasty decisions, and it might hurt some body. People knows me will understand that I was been there for last 3 years and 7 months, serving them all the way i could with full dedication.  It was not just a job for living for me. I enjoyed working there,  it was like a second home to me.

I did my best in resolving the situation that’s all I can say..

My last day with Tecra Systems was 22nd JULY 2010.

Good luck to Tecra Systems, I hope they will succeed  in all ventures and will have a good fortune all the work they does.  I am sure Tecra will expand more in business and IT Services.

Good luck to all of them in TECRA.

Nithin Mohan TK

Nithin Mohan TK

Technology Enthusiast | .NET Specialist | Blogger | Gadget & Hardware Geek

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