Obsolete Types in the .NET Framework 4

.NET Framework 4.0 Release Candidate are about going to come soon. I got a chance to go through an MSDN link, which has the listing of all Deprecated/Obsolete  Classes in .NET Framework 4.0 as compared to it’s older version.

Since .NET Frameworks 2.0 to 3.5 lots of changes has been happened. Version 3.0 and 3.5 was not an entirely new set framework classes,  just added a set of extension classes to  .NET Framework 2.0 classes.

.NET Framework 4.0 will not be an extension, which will be an entirely new framework release, which will have it’s runtime 4.0, unlike version 3.5 will not depend on .NET Framework 2.0 runtime.

There are lot of classes that are deprecated/outdated/Obsolete in .NET Framework 4.0

You can visit the MSDN Reference Link and refer to it as necessary